Re: error: invalid use of nonstatic data member

Alberto Ganesh Barbati <>
24 Oct 2006 22:46:33 -0400
The|Godfather ha scritto:

class test1 :example{
class StatementInternals;

        StatementInternals * stmt_internals;



#include <test1.h>
#include <test1I.h>

: length(0), select_statement(0)

    stmt_counter=stmt_internals->giveIt(); // THE PROBLEM LINE IS THIS

There are two different errors here. Your compiler is apparently
reporting only the first one however.

Forget for a moment that StatementInternals is a nested class of test1
and that stmt_internals is private. Would that work? No, because in
order to use a non-static member of a class you need to provide an
*instance* of such class. For example:

void foo(test1* ptr)
    stmt_internal; // ERROR: which stmt_internal?
    ptr->stmt_internal; // OK: THE stmt_internal of *ptr

Your case is the same: you don't have an instance of class test1 to work
on and you can't use stmt_internals without providing one.

Don't be fooled by the fact that class StatementInternals is nested in
class test1. They are still two different classes and there is *no*
implicit containment relationship between them.

The other mistake is that stmt_internal is a pointer to an object of
class test1::StatementInternals, but that class does *not* have a
giveIt() member function. giveIt() was defined in class example and so
it's inherited by class test1, but StatementInternals does *not* inherit
from test1 (nor from example).

Morale: nesting doesn't imply neither containment nor inheritance.



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