Re: Compile Time String processing
On Mar 6, 11:13 pm, "Tony Delroy" <> wrote:
On Mar 5, 9:07 pm, "James Kanze" <> wrote:
Tony Delroy wrote:
On Mar 4, 9:22 pm, "James Kanze" <> wrote:
James Kanze wrote:
that could be done with them. (And of course, even today, most
serious companies don't allow programmers to define templates at
the application level
Within the application level, a recompile isn't a serious issue.
there is extensive source level coupling, which management rejects
per se. (In every actual case I've encountered, it has been manageable.)
Sounds like an issue with your particular management. You yourself
are saying it's not technically justified, so I can only assume you've
non-technicals micromanaging or technical-incompetents mismanaging
your coding guidelines. My sympathies. I've never worked in a
company where I couldn't use templates at my own discretion.
Yes and no. I've encountered the situation in just about every
well managed place I've worked in. The concerns are valid. I
believe that they can be addressed, but management is being
conservative, and not taking any risk. Since the typical (and
by far the most important) use of templates is low level
containers and such, they feel that the advantages of allowing
them at higher levels aren't worth the risk.
To date, I'll admit that I've not felt it to be a serious
restriction, either. Partially, of course, because I do a lot
of work at the lower levels where they are allowed:-). But also
because as you move up into the application levels, templates
are less important; my experience is that in the lowest levels,
I have lots of templates, and very little inheritance, where as
at the application level, it's the reverse.
Such things definitly are, and should be, management decisions.
And as I say, I've encountered the problem in well run
organizations, not in poorly managed ones. Also, management
listens. If something came up where they would be important,
and I could justify significant gains by using them, and show
how they could be managed, management would doubtlessly adapt
its policy---either for that one case, or generally.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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