Re: SmartPointer & Inheritance & Explicit Constructors
On Jun 17, 12:13 pm, "Bo Persson" <> wrote:
Chris Thomasson wrote:
If the collector isn't run often (or at all, for typical benchmarks!),
it can be a net saving.
A benchmark in which the garbage collector never runs isn't very
convincing. It's easy, however, to construct special cases
where garbage collection is significantly faster than manual
memory management. Or significantly slower, if that's what
you're trying to prove. Never trust any benchmark you haven't
falsified yourself.
Globally, I find that for a large number of real applications,
using garbage collection results in slightly better performance.
Nothing to get excited about, but since it comes with
significantly less work for the programmer, it would be a shame
not to use it.
It would be just as wrong, however, to think that garbage
collection is a silver bullet, and that it will solve all of
your problems, or even that it is appropriate everywhere.
James Kanze (Gabi Software) email:
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