Re: Maximum Accepted Layers/Levels of inheritance

 James Kanze <>
Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:47:10 -0000
On Sep 11, 7:49 pm, Phlip <> wrote:

James Kanze wrote:

Start with the book /Design Patterns/, generally to learn what
the "point" of all this OO stuff is. You will notice most
patterns use only 2 layers of inheritance...

The key above is "most patterns".

I wrote that because I didn't have /DP/ to hand. I suspect
that no pattern in /DP/ has more than two layers, and I
suspect this answers the OP. 2.

I suspect that as well, although I once used a pattern which
required 4. (It was a very special case, however, and related
to the fact that we were generating much of the code
automatically.) And mixins require a minimum of 3, and 4 often
makes them clearer. What I was really meant to get at, however,
is that when you compose patterns, you will often end up with 3
or maybe 4 levels. It's not a problem *IF* the patterns
involved and the composition is clear.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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