Re: templates and inheritance

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 18 Sep 2007 18:39:34 -0400
er wrote:

i have

class Impl; //abstract
class Impl_A:public Impl{...};//abstract
class Impl_B:public Impl{...};//abstract
class Impl_A_0: public Impl_A{/* implements */};

class S{ public: S(Impl*,...); ...};
class S_A: public S{ public: S_A(Impl_A* impl,...):S(impl){};
class S_B: public S{ public: S_B(Impl_B* impl,...):S(impl){};
//hierarchy ends here

template<typename T,typename U>
std::vector<U> mult(T* pimpl){
          //calls U(pimpl,...);

a) std::vector<S_A> vec(mult<Impl_A0*,S_A>(Impl_A0*)); //ok

OK -- what? 'vec' is a declaration of a function here, methinks.

b) std::vector<S_A> vec(mult(Impl_A0*)); //compiler error: no
matching function

i would have thought that T and U are implicitly specified by the
input and return type, respectively, so that b) would work?

'vec' has overloaded constructors. How should the compiler know
that you intend to use the copy constructor? Yes, if it knew that
the intended specialisation of 'mult' returns a 'vec<S_A>', then
it might figure out that the copy c-tor is needed. But to know
what 'mult' to specialise (and how), it needs to know what your
'vec' constructor accepts as the argument. The classic catch-22.

Overloading like this does not work because i loose information about
the leaf class (Impl_A0* in example):
std::vector<S_A> mult_A(Impl_A* pimpl){return mult(pimpl);}
std::vector<S_B> mult_A(Impl_B* pimpl){return mult(pimpl);}

any suggestion?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

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