Re: Learning C++ questions
"duli" wrote:
I am a newbie learning C++ by going through "Accelerated C++" by
Koenig and Moo.
I am a little overwhelmed by the complexity and breadth of C++ and
don't know
how I can learn it effectively.
I wanted to get your advice on how you learned C++. If you did a
project that particularly
helped, please suggest one.
I'm assuming you are kind of competent in *some* procedure oriented
I would break it down into major groups, try to focus on one group at a
time, in this order.
o OOP fundamentals
o templates
o inheritance
o virtual functions
o exceptions
That's from the top of my head and may have some shortcomings. If you can
write your own string class you have a good handle on the fundamentals.
I have the book you mentioned and don't like it, despite it's wild
popularity. I view it as a book in how to use the STL. Josuttis is far
better, it not only teaches you how to use it but also can be used as a
reference manual later.
I like the following authors: Robert Lafore, Stephen Prata, Josuttis, and
Stroustrup (third edition or better, only). I believe Lippman is good but
have no personal knowledge.
Two exercise I found helpful were writing a string class and writing a game
of roulette. The latter was good from a practical standpoint, how to write
programs that aren't monolithic.
Spend at least a couple hours exploring the nook and crannies of
Stroustrup's home page. Also the FAQ for this group.
If you can find a course with a good instructor, it is by far the best way
to *start* learning something so hideously complex.