Re: Specifying base class order with multiple inheritance?

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Thu, 31 Jul 2008 08:34:41 GMT
On 2008-07-31 08:31, alan wrote:

Hello all, I'd like to know if there was some way I could assure the
order of base classes.

My concern, however, is that my memory manager will work correctly
only if the start of all objects derived from Generic corresponds to a
Generic; that is:

    KClosure* kp = some_valid_value();
    assert(((void*) static_cast<Generic*>(kp)) == ((void*) kp));

So, I'm wondering two things:

1. is my solution above at all crazy?, and

2. can I ensure that the Generic base is at the start of the object?
I would assume that if Generic and derived-only-from-Generic is listed
as the first class in the inheritance list, it would be positioned to
the start of the object.

AFAIK the only thing that the C++ standard says about how classes are
laid out in memory is the order of its members, which leaves the rest up
to the discretion of the compiler vendor. This means that you might get
your solution to work on some compiler, but you can never be sure it
will work on some other compiler or some other version of the same
compiler (or for that matter, if you change the compiler options).

Erik Wikstr??m

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