Re: is this valid c++?

James Kanze <>
Fri, 19 Sep 2008 14:00:00 -0700 (PDT)
On Sep 19, 8:00 pm, "Simon" <> wrote:

If I have the following :

struct sA
  double A1;
  double A2;

struct sB
  double B1;
  long B2;

struct sC : sA, sB
  double C1;
  double C2;

// main app
sC myC = ... // set some values;
sA myA = (sA)myC;
sB myB = (sB)myB;


When I do it on my compiler, VS2009 it works.

One would hope so.

In other word the value of myA has the values from myC simply
by casting. And the same for myB getting the right values
from myC by casting.

You don't even need the casts. An sC isA sA and an sB.

But I doubt there are any rules in the standard that say that
when you cast like that you must copy the right values.

Of course there are. It's more or less one of the basics of

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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