Re: CMAP under vs2005+

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:08:53 -0500
On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 13:12:34 +0100, "Martin T." <> wrote:

Read: [20.7] When should my destructor be virtual?

That means that you should never do:
CMapEx* pmex = new CMapEx;
std::map* pm = pmex;
delete pm; .. The dtor of CMapEx wont be called.
Which you probably won't do anyway.

Perhaps more to the point, there are no other virtual functions to
override. What people frequently end up doing when they publicly derive
from classes like std::map is attempt to reimplement members of the base
class, so they might create a function "insert" that does what they want.
This hides the function instead of overriding it, and if someone calls
map::insert through a map*, the derived version won't get called, and the
class invariant may be broken. This is the other reason public inheritance
of non-utility classes that only provide things like typedefs is

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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