Re: Best design for my classes to avoid code duplication?

"Balog Pal" <>
Sat, 9 Jan 2010 16:10:01 +0100
"Juha Nieminen" <nospam@thanks.invalid>

Jerry Coffin wrote:

From the looks of things, you could use a template:

 Isn't that a bit of a far-fetched solution for something which is
exactly what inheritance was invented for?

far-fetched? The request mapped perfectly to what templates do, and Jerry
showed the code that gives the perfect solution (to what was stated).

Inheritance was invented for a different thing, and would solve this case in
a contorted way if at all -- and OP seem to be familiar with it enough, and
turned here discovering the redundancy it leaves.

 He wants classes with common functionality, except for the
constructor, which is specialized for each class. That's exactly what
inheritance is for.

Care to show an example?
And in current C++ you can not inherit constructors, so how that would be

The classes' "common functionality" is really common just textually -- it
invokes different functions on objects of different types.

Inheritance could deal with the "different function" thing calling a
virtual, but is hosed with the different member.

Certainly the class could have parts that are

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