Re: Warning

Juha Nieminen <nospam@thanks.invalid>
Wed, 10 Mar 2010 01:58:31 +0200
Michael Doubez wrote:

I wouldn't go as far as say it is flawed, it just that IMO is-a has
just the dose of familiarity that makes it dangerous: it lets you
believe you can think in terms of concept and map them with the
programming language.

  You just have to understand what "is-a" means. It has to do with
abstraction levels.

  The answer to the "is a circle an ellipse, or is an ellipse a circle"
problem is simple: Neither. Not from an object-oriented design point of
view. Both a circle and an ellipse are at the *same* abstraction level
and hence they do not share a direct inheritance relationship. The
relationship between a circle and an ellipse is the same as the
relationship between a circle and a square: They may both be drawing
primitives, but otherwise they are not directly related.

In a message passing programming language, there is no necessity for
GUI elements to share a common base type, they only need to implement
a common interface (spacial placement, observable, GUI event
observer ...)

  I see no relevant difference from an OO design point of view.
Different technologies, same design principles. "Common interface" is,
basically, the exact same thing as "common base type", from a design
point of view.

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