Re: meta-programming on functions in template class

"Daniel T." <>
Sat, 13 Nov 2010 17:25:45 -0500
Juha Nieminen <nospam@thanks.invalid> wrote:

Richard <> wrote:

Juha Nieminen <nospam@thanks.invalid> spake thusly:

Marc <> wrote:

You can have 2 specializations of the class, but you duplicate
plenty of code.

That's what inheritance is for.

Actually, no. Its often thought that "inheritance = reuse", and
although I do that, its not what inheritance is for. Inheritance is
to specify an "IS-A" relationship between two entities. There are
many, many ways to achieve reuse and eliminate duplication, and
although inheritance is one way that can be done, it isn't what
inheritance is "for".

The subject is not necessarily as black and white as you pose it.

In pure object-oriented design (which is not the same thing as
object-oriented programming, although the latter is usually the
practical implementation of the former) what you say is true: We have
concepts, more abstract ones, and more concrete ones, and each
inherited class should be a more concrete (or specialized) version of
the base class (which is more abstract as a concept).

However, when we are talking about object-oriented programming (which,
as said, can usually be thought as a practical implementation of the
object-oriented design), there can be (and is) more than school of
thought: For example, one states that inheritance should be restricted
to the conceptual abstract-concrete "is-a" relationship, and that any
other "abuse" of inheritance is bad programming. Another school of
thought states that inheritance can be used for code reuse, for
grouping code which is common to more than one class into a single
base class, so that it doesn't have to be duplicated (code repetition
is, after all, one of the biggest sins in programming).

These two concepts don't need to be mutually exclusive. In fact, if
you start grouping common functionality into one single base class, if
you do it properly, you will usually find out that this base class can
actually be designed so that it conforms to a pretty good "is-a"
relationship with the derived classes. Even if the "is-a" relationship
is not used directly per se (ie. no code takes a reference/pointer of
the base class type), at a conceptual level it can still work.

If the common functionality consists of public member functions, I
can't think of a better way than inheritance to do this. In fact, I'd
still say that this is exactly what inheritance is for: Grouping
public interface common to more than one class into a single base
class. Since the derived classes automatically inherit this
functionality, they *are* of the same conceptual type as the base

Agreed, there is also the question of implementation inheritance vs
interface inheritance. I expect that when you said, "That's what
inheritance is for," you were referring to implementation inheritance,
but when Richard disagreed with you, he focused on interface inheritance
(is_a.) The two of you seem to be talking at cross purposes.

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