Re: vtbl inheritance

James Kanze <>
Mon, 31 Jan 2011 04:33:26 -0800 (PST)
On Jan 31, 7:51 am, Goran <> wrote:

On Jan 30, 5:14 pm, "Serve Laurijssen" <> wrote:

Consider this code:

class RefCounted {
private: long m_nRefCount;

public: virtual ~RefCounted();

struct Header {
  short us;
  int i1;
  int i2;

struct UnitHeader: public Header {
  BYTE filler[sizeof(ULONG) - (sizeof(UnitHeader) & (sizeof(ULONG) - 1))];

class CHeader : public UnitHeader, public RefCounted {

RefCounted has a virtual destructor, UnitHeader and Header are POD structs.

CHeader inherits from UnitHeader and RefCounted.

Now consider this:

void CHeader::MakeDummy() {
memset((UnitHeader*)this, 0, sizeof(UnitHeader));}

The 'this' pointer in CHeader is casted to UnitHeader struct
and that memory area set to zero. But since the class
inherits from a class with a virtual destructor Im not sure
this works.

I, too, think this should work.

It's certainly not guaranteed.

How does MSVC(2005) handle the Vtbl when inheriting from a
class with a vtbl?

Don't know about 2005 specifically, but 98, 2003 and 2008 do this:

class WithoutVtbl

class WithVtbl

class WithoutWithVtbl : public WithoutVtbl, public WithVtbl

Where does it put the second vptr?

In fact, that's not what VC++ 2005 nor g++ do. Interestingly
enough, they both systematically place base classes without
virtual functions *after* those with, in order to be able to get
by with only one vptr. (This has a second effect as well: the
memset trick will never cause a problem if the class which is
doing it happens to be the last one in the order the compiler
lays them out.


That said... What you actually seem to want is a POD (Header), then a
derived POD from it (UnitHeader), then your actual object, and you
want 0-initialization of PODs. If so, you might want to try this
(discalimer: compiled with head-compiler 0.0.1 and tested with head-
test-suite 0.0.1):

UnitHeader zeroFilled();

In CHeader, you might have

  static_cast<UnitHeader&>(*this) = UnitHeader();

        : UnitHeader()
should do the trick.

James Kanze

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