Re: command line processing question
On Sep 16, 8:57 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:
I'm choosing that program as an example precisely because it's not one
that's automatically found (unless you use a special command), i.e. just
typing "iexplore" you'll most probably get a "not recognized" failure
message, so you'll have to go the directory (folder) where it resides,
or specify a path, thus learning about the basics of running program.
Very good advice. (I don't know about iexplore, but in general,
learning to use the system you are on is a good idea.)
By the way, this is off-topic here in [clc++], but anything to get an
enthusiastic novice up and running! ;-)
Just ask in a more appropriate group for more details (e.g. perhaps in
[] for truly Windows-specific things,
and [alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++] for basic C++ stuff).
I wonder about this. Does anyone developing under Windows
actually use the "standard" command interpreter? (I've never
seen a Windows developer who didn't have either bash or ksh
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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