Re: Programming on Linux vs Windows
On 2008-06-16 06:47, Rune Allnor wrote:
On 15 Jun, 21:28, wrote:
I recommend that C++ code (or any other code for that
matter) is kept as platform-neutral as possible. Scot Meyers in
Effective C++ recommends that every C++ projects tries to ensure it
compiles with at least two compilers. In your case I recommend GCC and
Visual Studio.
Would it be sufficient to compile on MinGW under windows
in addition to VS, or is there anything to be gained by
going all the way and installing the Linux OS as well?
The difference might be important, as I see no big problems
by installing another compiler on a PC running windows, whereas
running several OSs on one box might become awkward.
Probably depends on what you are after, if you want true portability you
need to compile and test on multiple systems. If you are just
interested in code quality then just using MinGW should do fine. Of
course with the prevalence of virtual machines it is not so hard to run
multiple OSes as it used to be.
Erik Wikstr??m
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