Re: C++ Compiler

cpp4ever <>
Thu, 13 May 2010 17:44:18 CST
On 05/11/2010 03:19 PM, Frank Buss wrote:

santosh wrote:

I am thinking of picking up C++.
Just wondering which is the best compiler that I should go for? Any
My main application is in computational finance.

If you need to display some of your finance data, you might want to take a
look at Qt. The Qt Creator IDE (integrated in the Windows installer, but
works in Linux, too) is really nice and you can use it for standard C++
programming, too.

Certainly if any GUI components of your C++ needs to be cross platform
then Qt is probably your best choice IMHO. Qt has plenty of examples and
the documentation is better than most. Unfortunately I couldn't get
codeblocks IDE to work with Qt4 under Linux, so I've never really tried
using it.

If you have no GUI or cross platform requirements then choose what suits
you best.

If you intend being cross platform without any GUI requirements then
using gcc will hopefully simplify building across platforms.

Naturally as a Linux user I'm utterly biased.


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