Re: Doubts on mixed threading (FTM -Both ) objects

"buddie84" <>
17 Oct 2006 08:50:31 -0700
Thanks Brian ,
I am novice in this area and trying to understand the concepts ..
Kindly please correct if I am wrong .

1) a COM Object can be obtained from (I am not sure the usage of term
"COM Object" here is correct or not )


-only if we have CoClass implementation source
-we will be getting the CoClass object pointer

If we have 2 Objects of CoClass1 and CoClass2 implemented Interface1
and Interface2
If both are created in the same process and apartment , Is that legal
to implement communications between these classes using member
functions(member of the class but not defined by Interface1 or
interface 2) ?

b) CoCreateInstance
In this case a class will be created and I 'll be getting the requested
interface pointer(pInter) .

Can I cast pInter to CoClass pointer ?

CoClass *pCoClass = CoClass <Some_Cast>pInter;
pCoClass->MemberFunction ()

c) direct pointer from some function
cannot perform any casting, it may be a fully qualified object or it
could be implemented by some other coclass or it could be a proxy to an
object created somewhere

2) we have this class registered as -BOTH in registry

  CreateThread(this); //???



Member Variable m_Var;

static MyThread(void *p)


CoClass *pCoClass= (CoClass*) p;

p->Function(); // {call 1} ?

p->InterfaceMethod2(); // {call 2} ?

p->m_Var; //{call 3} ?


where 'Function()' is just a member function which is not the part of
any interface .
and 'InterfaceMethod1 & InterfaceMethod2' is defined in 'Interface1'

For example when a client create the above object on a single thread

Interface1 *pInter =CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CoClass, IID_Interface1)

In the above scenario {call 1} and {call 2} becomes illegal ... right

To resolve this we could pass a marshaled pointer and legally perform
{call 2} , But there might be situations where we need to perform
something like {call 1} and {call3}
(which are not the part of interface)
how could we resolve it ?

When we talked about marshalling ..Interface can be marshalled using
GIT etc can I marshal a CoClass object pointer ?

 LPVOID pContext=MARSHALL (this); // How????



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