How to call protected pure virtual ancestor funcs from friend function?
I have a (surprise!) stack class and I want to implement a compare function
that compares two stacks for equality. What I have below works, but MS
Visual C++ 6 requires that I declare ISTACK<TYPE>::getData public! Arghhh!
Those pure virtual getData functions should be protected! How do I make
protected? MSVC 6 gives me syntax errors if I don't make them public! Is
this a bug in the compiler or a bug in the C++ specification? Is there a
other than declaring them public and violating the fundemental concept of a
stack? I tried implementing compare as a member function but then it could
not access the private or protected parts of the stack that is an argument
to the compare member function. Is that conistent with the C++ spec?
template<typename TYPE>
class ISTACK{
virtual TYPE pop() = 0; //!< Remove the
last element.
virtual TYPE top() const=0; //!< Copy the
element but do not remove it.
public: // should be protected: not public!
virtual TYPE* getData()=0;
virtual const TYPE* getData() const=0;
template<typename TYPE, int SIZE, char SEP=10>
class STACK : public ISTACK<TYPE> // abstract interface
STACK( ){ len = 0; push(); };
STACK(TYPE a ){ len = 0; push(a); };
//template<typename TYPE>
friend int compare(const ISTACK<TYPE>& left, const ISTACK<TYPE>&
int lenLeft = left.getLength();
int lenRight = right.getLength();
int len = lenLeft < lenRight ? lenLeft : lenRight; // compute
if(lenLeft == 0 && lenRight == 0)
const TYPE*pLeft = left.getData();
const TYPE*pRight = right.getData();
for(int ii = 0; ii < len; ++ii)
if(pLeft[ii] != pRight[ii])
return pLeft[ii] - pRight[ii];
} // they are equal except for extra cells
if(lenLeft != lenRight)
return lenLeft - lenRight;
return 0;
TYPE* getData() { return state; }
const TYPE* getData() const { return state; }
[ See for info about ]
[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]