Re: problem regarding inheritance

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Mon, 11 Feb 2008 00:37:51 +0100

Hello everybody,
I'm writing a COM component and don't want to put the IUnknown
implementation in every COM class so I'm using inheritance. I'm
getting a error 'cannot instantiate abstract class' even though all
virtual methods are implemented. Can anybody tell me what I'm doing

Regarding the code below, it would be much better if you made an attempt
at presenting your problem in standard C++.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <shlobj.h>

The headers above are not standard C++ headers.

class ComBase

        return 0;

        return 0;

These macros are not standard C++.

class ComClass: public ComBase, public IShellExtInit

STDMETHODIMP ComClass::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv)
    return E_NOTIMPL;

STDMETHODIMP ComClass::Initialize(
    LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder,
    HKEY hProgID
    return E_NOTIMPL;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

In standard C++ you need (minimum)

   int main()

    ComClass argh;
    return 0;

Rephrasing your problem in standard C++, you have code that is analogous to

   struct IUnknown
       virtual void unkFuncA() = 0;
       virtual void unkFuncB() = 0;
       virtual void unkFuncC() = 0;

   struct IShellExtInit: IUnknown
       virtual void seiFunc() = 0;

   struct ComBase
       virtual void unkFuncA() = 0;
       void unkFuncB() {}
       void unkFuncC() {}

   struct ComClass: ComBase, IShellExtInit
       void unkFuncA() {}
       void seiFunc() {}

   int main()
       ComClass o; // Oops, doesn't compile.

ComClass inherits from ComBase and implements the single pure virtual
ComBase function unkFunkA. That's technically OK, although it doesn't
achieve the purpose of implementing IUnknown.

ComClass also inherits from IShellExtInit. I ShellExtInit has four pure
virtual functions, one it declares itself and three inherited from
IUnknown. ComClass implements two of them, seiFunc() and unkFuncA().

That leaves two pure virtual functions in ComClass, which means ComClass
is non-instantiable, an abstract class.

There are many ways to approach the problem of providing a stock
IUnknown implementation.

 From a pure C++ point of view the most elegant and simple is to use
virtual inheritance to inherit in an implementation. However, that is
almost impossible to retrofit, since in your case ISHellExtInit is given
and presumably does not inherit virtually from IUnknown. An alternative
is then to use a templated bottom-level class, like

   struct IUnknown
       virtual void unkFuncA() = 0;
       virtual void unkFuncB() = 0;
       virtual void unkFuncC() = 0;

   struct IShellExtInit: IUnknown
       virtual void seiFunc() = 0;

   template< class Base >
   struct UnknownImpl: Base
       void unkFuncA() {}
       void unkFuncB() {}
       void unkFuncC() {}

   struct AbstractComClass: IShellExtInit
       void seiFunc() {}

   typedef UnknownImpl<AbstractComClass> ComClass;

   int main()
       ComClass o; // OK.

This is the technique used in the ATL and WTL libraries.

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf

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