Re: C++ Abstract Factory Implementation
On Jul 9, 11:09 pm, Gianni Mariani <> wrote:
Suresh wrote:
On Jul 9, 7:59 am, Ian Collins <> wrote:
Suresh wrote:
I am hoping someone can give me very needed help.
Please stop asking the same question over and over.
Ian Collins.
I am very apologetic for multiple asking. This was not my intendings.
It was mistake and I have removed duplications.
I have decided to use first Papa Factory. It is with very good
documentation and just few .h files.
Austria for me now is difficult I not have enough experience. Book b=
Andrei Alexandrecu is too much advanced for now too. But I think Papa
Factory is no support for multi-thread, but this is fine for now.
You said Austria C++ is difficult ?
I'd really love to know what you think is difficult. Below is an
example of a simple no constructor parameters case.
#include "at_factory.h"
class Interface {
int main()
Interface * n2 = at::FactoryRegister< Interface, char >::Create=
// n2 should really be an instance of Impl2
// this below can be in other linked in compile units
class Impl1 : public Interface {};
AT_MakeFactory0P( 1, Impl1, Interface, int);
class Impl2 : public Interface {};
AT_MakeFactory0P( 2, Impl2, Interface, int);
Please let me know what is so hard.
This Library is very powerful but I try to read the documentation but
is very complicated.
I do not think I need so powerful Library. Papa Factory is with
tutorial to make easy everything for beginer.
And Austria Factory is big because it is so powerful with smart
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