Re: If you can help... (map::find and map::insert)

Paavo Helde <>
Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:40:06 -0500
Ricardo <> kirjutas:

I have seen a lot of comments about this problem on the lists and,
even as I tried to implement the proper corrections, I was really
unable to do so... (or my problem is somehow different...).

I have a map that uses a class as its key.. something like this:

struct SFlowId {
     uint32_t ingressInterface;
     uint16_t VLAN;
     uint32_t sourceIP;
     uint32_t destinationIP;
     uint16_t sourcePort;
     uint16_t destinationPort;

I defined a < function to compare those values....

// this is short cause the problem occurs both with 2, 3 or 4
parameters being compared (anything more than 1 causes my problem).
bool operator<(const SFlowId &left,const SFlowId &right) {
     return (left.destinationIP < right.destinationIP) ||
               (!(left.destinationIP < right.destinationIP) &&
               (left.sourceIP <

Note that you have a redundancy here: !(left.destinationIP <
right.destinationIP) is always true if the first part of the expression
is not (left.destinationIP < right.destinationIP). This already hints
that you have written something meaningless here. A proper weak ordering
predicate would be:

bool operator<(const SFlowId &left,const SFlowId &right) {
   return (left.destinationIP < right.destinationIP) ||
               ((left.destinationIP == right.destinationIP) &&
                (left.sourceIP < right.sourceIP));

If you change your comparison operator to this style, will the problems
go away?


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