template parameter representation
# include <cstdio>
# include <string>
# include <sstream>
# include <vector>
# include <ctime>
# include <cassert>
template < typename T >
struct some_other_policy {};
template < typename T >
struct no_policy {};
template < typename UnsignedType,
typename default_policy = no_policy < UnsignedType > ,
unsigned base = 0, unsigned offset = 0 >
struct hw_default {
// default implementation....
template < typename UnsignedType,
typename default_policy = no_policy < UnsignedType > ,
unsigned base = 0, unsigned offset = 0 >
struct hw_register_struct {
// implementation changes here..
template < bool val >
struct static_assert;
template <>
struct static_assert< true > {};
template < typename T >
struct strip_pod_type {};
#define STRIP_POD_TYPE(Int) \
template <> \
struct strip_pod_type< volatile Int > { \
typedef Int type; \
}; \
template <> \
struct strip_pod_type< Int > { \
typedef Int type; \
} \
STRIP_POD_TYPE( unsigned char );
STRIP_POD_TYPE( signed char );
STRIP_POD_TYPE( unsigned short );
STRIP_POD_TYPE( signed short );
template < typename Type >
struct traits
typedef typename strip_pod_type<Type>::type interface_type;
template < typename U, typename en, unsigned long base, unsigned
offset >
struct traits< hw_default <U,en,base,offset > >
typedef typename strip_pod_type<U>::type interface_type;
template < typename UnsignedType, unsigned low, unsigned high >
class foo
: static_assert< high <= CHAR_BIT *
sizeof( typename traits< UnsignedType >::interface_type ) >
typedef typename
traits< UnsignedType >::interface_type interface_type;
typedef UnsignedType host_type;
host_type & host_obj;
public :
foo ( host_type & in )
: host_obj ( in )
//more stuff..
typedef hw_default < volatile unsigned short > hw_default_type;
typedef hw_register_struct < volatile unsigned short,
some_other_policy < unsigned short >,
0 > hw_register_struct_type;
int main()
unsigned short aa ( 0 );
foo < volatile unsigned short, 5, 6 > aa5_6 ( aa );
hw_default_type ab ;
foo < hw_default_type, 5, 6 > ab5_6 ( ab );
//hw_register_struct_type ac ;
//foo < hw_register_struct_type, 5, 6 > ac5_6 ( ac );
Apologies in advance if I'm not using the right C++ lingo. How could
i modify source above such that I could use the composite type
hw_register_struct_type? The code today is not extensible because
it's structured around the default - hw_default_type which works for
'most' cases.