Re: ATL inheritance mistake

Barzo <>
Tue, 29 Dec 2009 02:33:34 -0800 (PST)
On 10 Dic, 14:33, Barzo <> wrote:

Thanks a lot! It works!


regarding this thread I have some trouble when I use my DLL with VB6.
To summarize I have the following IDL:

  helpstring("IAudioDevice Interface"),
interface IAudioDevice : IUnknown


  helpstring("Dual interface for AudioRecorder objects"),
interface IAudioRecorder : IDispatch


  helpstring("IAudioDecoder Interface")
interface IAudioDecoder : IUnknown
  [propget, id(40), helpstring("Returns a reference to a
IAudioRecorder interface.")]
  HRESULT Recorder([out, retval] IAudioRecorder** pVal);


library AxAudioLib4
    helpstring("AudioRecorder Class")
  coclass AudioRecorder
    interface IAudioDevice;
    [default] interface IAudioRecorder;
    [default, source] dispinterface _IAudioRecorderEvents;


    helpstring("AudioDecoder Class")
  coclass AudioDecoder
    interface IAudioDevice;
    interface IAudioRecorder;
    [default] interface IAudioDecoder;
    [default, source] dispinterface _IAudioDecoderEvents;


The get_Recorder method of IAudioDecoder is:

STDMETHODIMP CAudioDecoder::get_Recorder(IAudioRecorder** pVal)
  if (pVal) {
    return this->QueryInterface(IID_IAudioRecorder,
    return E_POINTER;

Now, in my VB6 code I use an EventCollection to store objects.
If I wrote this:

Dim Recorder As IAudioRecorder
Set Recorder = New AxAudioLib4.AudioRecorder
RecColl.Add Recorder, "KEY"

It works with no problem, but if I do this:

Dim withevents Decoder As AudioDecoder
Dim Recorder As IAudioRecorder

Set Decoder = New AxAudioLib4.AudioDecoder
Set Recorder = Decoder.Recorder
RecColl.Add Recorder, "KEY"
Debug.Print RecColl("KEY").object is Nothing

I get an error "Type mismatch" reading the "object" property.
This property is implemented like:

Public Property Get Object() As Object
  Set Object = m_oObject
End Property

where m_oObject is an olelib.IUnknown and is created in the
RecColl.Add method:

Public Sub Add( _
   Item As Object, _
   Optional SourceIID As String, _
   Optional Key As Variant)

Dim oObjectInfo As ObjectInfo
Dim oCPC As IConnectionPointContainer
Dim oEnm As IEnumConnectionPoints
Dim oCP As IConnectionPoint
Dim oUnk As olelib.IUnknown
Dim tIID As olelib.UUID
Dim lCookie As Long

   ' Get the IConnectionPointContainer interface
   Set oCPC = Item

   If LenB(SourceIID) = 0 Then
      ' Get connection point enumerator
      Set oEnm = oCPC.EnumConnectionPoints
      ' Get the first connection point
      oEnm.Next 1, oCP
      ' Get the IID
      oCP.GetConnectionInterface tIID
      ' Convert from string to UUID
      olelib.CLSIDFromString SourceIID, tIID
      ' Get the connection point
      Set oCP = oCPC.FindConnectionPoint(tIID)
   End If

   ' Create the ObjectInfo object
   Set oObjectInfo = New ObjectInfo
   ' Create the event sink object
   Set oUnk = CreateEventSinkObj(tIID, oObjectInfo, Me)
   ' Connect the sink object with
   ' the source object
   lCookie = oCP.Advise(oUnk)

   On Error GoTo Disconnect

   ' Add the object to the collection
   m_oCollection.Add oObjectInfo, Key
   ' Initialize the ObjectInfo object
   oObjectInfo.frInitialize Key, _
                            m_oCollection.Count, _
                            lCookie, _
                            Item, _

   Exit Sub

   oCP.Unadvise lCookie
   Err.Raise Err.Number, , Err.Description
End Sub

And where the CreateEventSinkObj function is:

Public Function CreateEventSinkObj( _
   EventIID As olelib.UUID, _
   ByVal ObjInfo As ObjectInfo, _
   ByVal Coll As EventCollection) As Object

  Dim lEventSinkPtr As Long
  Dim lOldProt As Long
  Dim EventSink As EventSinkData

  With EventSink
    ' Set the initial reference count to 1
    .RefCount = 1
    ' Save the ID of the events interface
    .EventIID = EventIID
    ' Save a pointer to the parent collection
    MoveMemory .EvntColl, Coll, 4&
    ' Store the object info
    MoveMemory .ObjInf, ObjInfo, 4&
    ' Set the vtable
    .lvtablePtr = VarPtr(vtable(0))
  End With

  ' Allocate memory for the object
  lEventSinkPtr = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, LenB(EventSink))

  If lEventSinkPtr Then
    ' Copy the structure to the allocated memory
    MoveMemory ByVal lEventSinkPtr, EventSink, LenB(EventSink)
    ' Copy the pointer to the return value
    MoveMemory CreateEventSinkObj, lEventSinkPtr, 4
    ' Raise the error
    Err.Raise 7, "CreateEventSinkObj"
  End If

End Function

Could someone help me?

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