Re: C++ boxing

Jeff Schwab <>
Sat, 13 Feb 2010 17:23:26 CST
Mathias Gaunard wrote:

On 12 f?v, 22:43, pfultz2 <> wrote:

Is there a way to box a type in c++ like this:

class Interface
    virtual void foo() = 0;


class A
    void foo();


And then I could box this type like this:
Interface * a = box_cast<Interface*>(new A());

I am not aware of any automated way to do what you are asking. The
show-stopper issue is that there is no way for a C++ template
metaprogram to get a list of the virtual functions in a type, to
override them.

The need for this exact language feature should be pretty rare. This
seems like a special case of the Adapter pattern, only useful in the
case where some class already happens to implement exactly the right
function signatures, only non-virtually. I suspect that you will find
other C++ language features eliminate the need for this one.

class B : public A, public virtual Interface


That is the right track.

I think what you're looking for is called type erasure.

"Type erasure" is the unavailability of some static type information at
run-time. The OP wants a form of code generation similar to templates,
where a new class can be created on demand.

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