Re: can't use extern with map?
JH Programmer wrote:
Hi all, I've got a problem when I want to create a global map
I have to reformat the following (what did you use to post it?)
//file operator.cpp
#include <map>
map<string, Staff*> Symbol_definition;
Symbol_definition["+"] = NULL;
Symbol_definition["-"] = NULL;
Symbol_definition["*"] = NULL;
Symbol_definition["/"] = NULL;
The preceding four statements are _executable_ statements (assignments)
and cannot appear by themselves in the global scope. You can make them
part of some bogus (dummy) initialisation. Otherwise, they have to be
part of a function.
//file calculate.cpp #include "opertor.cpp" #include <map> extern
map<string, Cell*> Symbol_definition; .... and when I compile it in
g++ then I got the following error operator.cpp:17: error: expected
constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '=' token
operator.cpp:17: error: expected `,' or `;' before '=' token ....same
the others. What cause the error? Thanks
AFAICT, the existence of executable statements in the global scope.
You'd get the same for this simple program:
int a[2];
a[0] = 42; // executable statement in global scope!
a[1] = 43; // same problem
int main() {
return 0;
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