Re: Problem with inner classes and Templates

16 Feb 2007 16:44:16 -0800
On 17 Feb, 01:38, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:


Hi, when I'm trying to compile this code with gcc 4 I get this strange
error :

alex@deimos:~/Desktop/Image$ make -k Image
g++ Image.cpp -o Image
Image.cpp:29: error: expected initializer before 'Image'
make: *** [Image] Error 1

The code of the source of Image.cpp is the following:

#include <string>
#include <map>

class A {
         typedef std::map<std::string, int> maptype_t;

         static const maptype_t _mapconst;
         static maptype_t _init_mapconst();


inline A::maptype_t
         A::_init_mapconst() // line 15
     maptype_t m;
     m["aaa"] = 23;
     m["acb"] = 42;
     return m;


const A::maptype_t
         A::_mapconst =

int main()


1. The error message refers to a line 29, you have singled out line 15.

2. The error message refers to an identifier 'Image', there's no such
     identifier in the presented code.

The problem seems to be not present if I remove the template leaving
as a common class the Image one.

3. There's no template definition in the presented code.

I think it's due by the fact that
compiler cannot predict the form of Handler before it has not been
istantiated ... but I'm not sure ... could you help me ?

4. There's no identifier 'Handler' in the presented code.

Is a solution to templatizate also the Handler class and moreover move
it outside the Image class ?

5. Post the code.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

Sorry I posted the wrong code ... now you can see the correct one ...


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