Map losing elements!?

Johannes Bauer <>
Thu, 02 Oct 2008 02:44:33 +0200
Hello group,

I've been trying around with a simple std::map<mytype, unsigned> for an
hour now and can't find the bug. It is my belief that I am missing
something incredibly obvious... please help me see it.

Scenario: I created the map and inserted some elements. Afterwards I try
to iterate over them:

std::map<mytype, unsigned int> values;
/* insert some values, say 5 */

/* this will then report 5 */
std::cerr << "cnt = " << values.size() << std::endl;

for (std::map<mytype, unsigned int>::iterator j = values.begin(); j !=
values.end(); j++) {
    std::cerr << j->second << " -> ";
    std::cerr << std::endl;

However in the "for" loop, always only 2 items show up. I figured
something was wrong with my operator< - essentialy "mytype" is just a
container around a LENGTH byte unsigned char[] array:

bool operator<(const mytype &Other) const {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
        if (Other.Data[i] < Data[i]) return true;
    return false;

Can anyone explain this behaviour?

Thanks in advance,

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