Re: std::map with nonunique keys

Francesco <>
Fri, 4 Sep 2009 03:01:13 -0700 (PDT)
On 4 Set, 11:31, Francesco <> wrote:

On 4 Set, 11:20, Ralf Goertz

<> wrote:


ist it possible to have a map for which there are distinct keys k1 and
key with k1!=k2 and both k1<k2 and k2<k1 returning false? I'd like to
have something like

struct foo {
        int k[10];
        bool operator<(const foo& rhs) const {
                for (int i=0;i<9;++i)
                        if (k[i]!=rhs.k[i]) r=

eturn k[i]<rhs.k[i];

                return false;


std::map<foo,int> evaluation_map;

The reason is that although two variables of type foo might be differen=


in k[9] there evaluation only depends on k[0]=85k[8]. If I understand i=


correctly, a map never uses operator==, therefore the above shouldn=


produce undefined behaviour, right?

If your operator<(), applied twice, swapped, to a couple of keys,
finds them to be equal, then any operation on the map using either of
those keys will overwrite each other - that is, well defined behavior.

Self correction: "...then any operation on the map using either of
those keys will overwrite *each other's value*...".

The key will be saved only the first time it is used, and won't be
modified by subsequent lookups - at least, my implementation works
this way, but I suppose it's the mandated behavior.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>

struct foo {
  int used;
  int not_used;
  foo(int u = 0, int nu = 0) : used(u), not_used(nu) {};
  bool operator<(const foo& f) const {
    return used < f.used;

using namespace std;

int main() {
  map<foo, int> m;
  foo f1(1,1);
  foo f2(1,2);
  m[f1] = 1;
  cout << "m.begin()->first.not_used == ";
  cout << m.begin()->first.not_used << endl;
  cout << "m[f1] == ";
  cout << m[f1] << endl;
  cout << "m[f2] = 2" << endl;
  m[f2] = 2;
  cout << "m.begin()->first.not_used == ";
  cout << m.begin()->first.not_used << endl;
  cout << "m[f1] == ";
  cout << m[f1] << endl;
  return 0;


m.begin()->first.not_used == 1
m[f1] == 1
m[f2] = 2
m.begin()->first.not_used == 1
m[f1] == 2


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