Re: How to make code accepting differet types work?

"Jim Langston" <>
Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:14:21 -0700
"Jim Langston" <> wrote in message

This is something I've been thinking about creating, and am trying to get
the pieces together.

I want to be able to assign values in a method accepting different types.

MyInstance.MyMethod("IntField") = 1;
MyInstance.MyMethod("FloatField") = 2.34f;
MyInstance.MyMethod("StringField") = std::string("Hello");

Is this possible?

I know I could do it using function overloading by passing the parms, I.E.

MyInstance.MyMethod("IntField", 1);
MyInstance.MyMethod("FloatField", 2.34f);
MyInstance.MyMethod("StringField", std::string("Hello");

I'm thinking to use the assignment I would need to return a LHV, a
reference to what was being assigned. I think I just answered my own
question. Whatever I am returning would need to have operator=()
overloaded for each type.

Is this the way to go?

Thank you everyone for your input. This is what I have settled on.

Comments welcome. Except for people saying I shouldn't preceed my class
names with "C".

#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>

template<typename T, typename F > T StrmConvert( F from )
    std::stringstream temp;
    temp << from;
    T to = T();
    temp >> to;
    return to;

template<typename F> std::string StrmConvert( F from )
    return StrmConvert<std::string>( from );

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator MIt;

class CTable



    class Proxy
        Proxy(CTable& mc, std::string const& key): mc_(mc), Key_(key) {}

        void operator=(int Value) { Field( Key_, StrmConvert( Value ) ); }
        void operator=(unsigned int Value) { Field( Key_, StrmConvert(
Value ) ); }
        void operator=(float Value) { Field( Key_, StrmConvert( Value ) ); }
        void operator=(bool Value) { Field( Key_, Value ? "TRUE" :
"FALSE" ); }
        void operator=(const std::string &Value) { Field( Key_, "\"" + Value
+ "\"" ); }
        void operator=(const char* Value) { Field( Key_, "\"" +
std::string(Value) + "\"" ); }

        void Field( const std::string& Key, const std::string Value )
            MIt it_ = mc_.Fields_.find(Key_);
            if ( it_ != mc_.Fields_.end() )
                (*it_).second = Value;

        CTable& mc_;
        std::string Key_;

    Proxy operator[]( const std::string& Key )
        return Proxy(*this, Key);

    void OutputMap()
        for ( MIt it = Fields_.begin(); it != Fields_.end(); ++it )
            std::cout << (*it).first << ":" << (*it).second << std::endl;

    std::map<std::string, std::string> Fields_;


class CPlayer
    CPlayer(): Name_("Serpardum"), Age_(42), Strength_(13.5f), Alive_(true)
    std::string Name() { return Name_; }
    unsigned int Age() { return Age_; }
    float Strength() { return Strength_; }
    bool Alive() { return Alive_; }
    std::string Name_;
    int Age_;
    float Strength_;
    bool Alive_;

int main()
    CPlayer Player;
    CTable PlayerTable;

    PlayerTable["Name"] = Player.Name();
    PlayerTable["Age"] = Player.Age();
    PlayerTable["Strength"] = Player.Strength();
    PlayerTable["Alive"] = Player.Alive();
    PlayerTable["Bogus"] = "blah blah";


    std::string wait;
    std::cin >> wait;

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