Re: std::map, linear interpolation
* Hicham Mouline:
I have a map<double,double> of data points (xi,yi), modelling a function to
Assuming the points are monotone increasing, such that, i>j, yi> yj if xi>xj
How do i get the inverse of a point y inside the range of yi?
typedef std::map<double, double>::const_iterator CCI;
CCI endi = f.end();
for (CCI iter=f.begin(); iter!=endi; ++iter)
if (iter->second > x)
if (iter==endi)
At this point "iter" is no longer accessible.
Your compiler should ideally catch that error.
I suspect you're using Visual C++. If so add option
"/Zc:forScope,wchar_t", or the corresponding mouse-clicking in the IDE
you're using. Note that this is just part of what's needed for
standard-conformance, you'll also want to turn on exceptions (/GR), RTTI
(/GR) and up the warning level considerably (/W4), and similarly for
other compilers: reportedly, very few C++ compilers are C++ compilers by
default, they have to be cajoled and tricked into compiling C++...
return NaN;
C++ does not guarantee existence of a NaN value.
However, you can use a compile time assertion (e.g. the one in Boost) to
ensure that your C++ implementation supports NaN, by checking
CCI prev = iter;
if (iter->second = prev->second) // shouldn't happen
return prev->first;
return prev->first + (x - prev->second)*(iter->first -
prev->first)/(iter->second - prev->second);
Comments re correctness and performance (if this were to be called inside a
tight loop) are appreciated,
Your main question re interpolation is off-topic in clc++ and is better
posted in e.g. [comp.programming].
For C++ aspects see above.
Cheers, & hth.,
- Alf
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