Re: C style , one argument, recursive, string reverse

"Thomas J. Gritzan" <>
Mon, 29 May 2006 23:15:58 +0200
zahy[dot]bnaya[At]gmail[dot]com schrieb:

All previous advices were good and appreciated..
Sorry about my stubborness I am really intrested to know why my code
does not work
I remarked it better.

I know it is probably not the best way to do it but can you see a
problem in there?
not for the sake of solving the problem , just for education...

Yes. You forget, that
a) you can't free() space you did't malloc().
b) strings are zero-terminated.

Algorithm pseudo:


// return ""

       return append(last_char(str),

char * C_recReverse(char * str)
    // Sub is storing the substring
    // res is the returned string
    // tmp is for storing the previos result so it can be deleted
    char* sub, *res, *tmp;

    if (strlen(str) == 0)
// return "";

        res= (char*)malloc(1);
        res[0] = '\0';
        return res;

        /* the sub and res are allocated per recursion stack*/
        sub = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(str)-1);
        res = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(str));

You will copy the entire string "str" into "sub", so "sub" has to hold
enough space for strlen(str)+1.

"res" has to hold "str" reverse, so dito.

sizeof(char) is defined to be 1.

         /* prepering the substring, stored on the heap*/
        sub[strlen(str)-1] = '\0';

        /* the return value is preperaed , filled with last char*/

res is not null-terminated after this.

         /* calling the reverse function of the "sub" stored
                                    on local variable tmp*/
        tmp = C_recReverse(sub);

        /* adding the result of substring reverse to the result string (res)

        /*"closing" the string (???) */
        res[strlen(str)] = '\0';

        /* Freeing the substring, I dont really need it anymore*/

        /* Freeing the "previous" recursion closure,
                                  Can I do it? I think this is the
problem */
        return res;

This is evil C++ code, and I think its evil C, too.


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