"Azumanga" <4zumanga@gmail.com> wrote in message
Imagine I have the following code:
struct A { .. };
struct B : public A { .. };
struct C : public A { .. };
A* copy_object(A* obj)
if(B* b_obj = dynamic_cast<B*>(obj))
{ return new B(*b_obj); }
This code is an absolute anathema to object-oriented programming. Each code that
relies on switching on types is not only error-prone, it breaks the foundational
open-close design principle. Your function must know about every possible
derivative of A, changing every time whenever the classes are changed or new
classes added.
struct A
{ virtual A* clone() { return new A(*this);} ... };
struct B : public A
{ virtual B* clone() { return new B(*this);} ... };
This is a typical way of cloning objects (except it should be const,) which is
sometimes called "virtual constructor." There is nothing error-prone about it,
the only inconvenience is typing virtually the same code in every class.
struct B : public A, cloneable<B> { .... }
like that.
[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]