Using method function pointers in C++

"Pankaj" <>
8 Jun 2006 19:23:21 -0700
Hello friends,

I am implementing something like

| | |
| | ------- -| send_if( data) |
| | M | |
| | | |
| | -------- | | |
| | | |
PS |
| | |
| | ------- | receive_if( data) |
| | S | |
| | | |
| | --------| |
| | |
------------------- --------------------------------------------

In this implementation, control flow starts with M's executeM() method.
executeM() is supposed to pass data to interface, say send_if( char *).
send_if( char *data); passes on this data to SInterface
send_if( char *data)
receive_if( data);

receive_if( ) collects this data and passes on to S by

receive_if( char * data)
executeS( data);
this will transfer data to S and S can display or do whatever it wants.

The class structure which i have created for this is :

1. File named: M_if.h
class M_if
void send_if( char *);


2. File: M.h
class M
char *data;
M( )
data = new char[5];
data = "C++";

void executeM()
funcPtr_sendIf( data);

/// A fucntion pointer to store send_if() address.
void ( *funcPtr_sendIf) ( char *);


class PM: public M_if
M *m;

PM() // constructor
m = new M();
m-> funcPtr_sendIf = &send_if;

//// Send interface present with PM
void send_if()
funcPtr_receiveIf( data);

void ( *funcPtr_receiveIf) ( char *);

3. File named: S_if.h

class S_if
void receive_if( char *);


2. File: S.h
class S
char *data;
S() { } /// constructor

//// S Execution function, to display data
void executeS( char * data)
cout << " Data is : " << data;


class PS: public S_if
S *s;

s = new S();

void receive_if( char * data)
s->executeS( data);


4. TopM

class TopM
PM *pm;
PS *ps;

TopM ()

pm = new PM();
ps = new PS();

//// Interconnecting by assigning function pointer
pm->funcPtr_receiveIf = &(ps->receive_if);


Of course, it doesn't get compiled.

I went through function pointer implementations and whatever i could
understand was what i have done in this example.

Please guide in this journey through method function pointer in C++

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