Re: Error when returning a structure pointer
In article <>, pai
<> writes
Hi ,
The following program gives error can any one solve this.
struct ab{
int a;
template <class T>
class A{
struct ab * ret_1();
void disp();
void ret();
template <class T>
void A<T>::ret(){
struct ab* b;
return b;
template <class T>
struct ab * A<T>::ret_1(){
The above line confuses the compiler. You have used a C'ism by using the
keyword 'struct'. I am not sure whether C++ actually prohibits its use
in this context but I am not surprised that a compiler would be confused
by its, at best redundant, use.
struct ab* b;
b=new (struct ab);
return b;
C++ struct names are type names and do not need to be proceeded by
'struct'. Sometimes it is still OK in C++ as a mechanism for unhiding a
name that would otherwise be hidden by a later declaration but even that
should be avoided. If you need to deal with a C compatibility issue,
then use a typedef.
General comment: See how learning C first can cause problems in writing
good idiomatic C++?
Francis Glassborow ACCU
Author of 'You Can Do It!' and "You Can Program in C++"
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