Re: How to sum the determination of a pointer(s)

8 Jul 2006 21:49:10 -0700
Hello Ian,

Here is my complete code. I followed your suggestions and cleaned up
the code quite a bit.
I want to evaluate a node, determine if it only has a left or right
child, if this is true I want to sum all of the nodes fitting the
description in variable oneChildCount. Then I want to return the
variable oneChildCount to main() and display the number of total nodes
that have only one child. The correct answer for each of the trees is

At the Bottom of my code is the two header files I am using. They seem
to be correct.
The compiler I am using is the bloodshed Dev-C++ .

Thank you for the help
A.J. Johnston

// Aaron Johnston
// CSIS 3402/01
// 07/06/06
// Problem # 35
// Page # 579

// This is a driver program that tests a function countOneChild
// The function counts the number of interior nodes in a
// binary tree having one child. The function will be tested in
// a program that uses buildTree() from "d_tnode1.h" to allocate
// Tree 1 and Tree 2. The function countOneChild() will be called
// once for each tree, and output the results.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

#ifndef NULL
#include <cstddef>
#endif // NULL

#include "d_tnode.h" // tnode class
#include "d_tnodel.h" // tnode library

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
int countOneChild(tnode<T> *t)
    int oneChildCount;

    if (t != NULL) // If it were NULL there would be no one child

        if ((t->left != NULL && t->right == NULL) || (t->left == NULL
&& t->right != NULL))
        // associate the condition with the incrementation of a
        // that is to say if child has only one node oneChildCount
        // increase by 1, store the value, and be able to increase
again if
        // necessary
        // HOWEVER oneChildCount++ returns large numbers
        // oneChildCount++;

             oneChildCount = 1;
             oneChildCount = 0;
             // This statement confirms that one child nodes are
             // being found. And that two and zero child nodes exist.
             cout << oneChildCount << endl;

             // Tree traversal, is this correct?
             countOneChild(t->left); // descend left
             countOneChild(t->right); // descend right

             // Returning the value of oneChildCount to main()
             return oneChildCount;



int main()
   // roots for two trees
    tnode<char> *root1, *root2;

    // allocate Tree 1
    root1 = buildTree(1);

    // display Tree 1
    cout << "Tree 1" << endl;
    displayTree(root1, 1);
    cout << endl << endl;

    // allocate Tree 2
    root2 = buildTree(2);

    // display Tree 2
    cout << "Tree 2" << endl;
    displayTree(root2, 1);
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Number of interior nodes with one child in Tree 1 is " <<
countOneChild (root1) << endl;

    cout << "Number of interior nodes with one child in Tree 2 is " <<
countOneChild (root2) << endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    return 0;

#ifndef TREENODE
#define TREENODE

// represents a node in a binary tree
template <typename T>
class tnode
        // tnode is a class implementation structure. making the
        // data public simplifies building class functions
        T nodeValue;
        tnode<T> *left, *right;

        // default constructor. data not initialized

      // initialize the data members
        tnode (const T& item, tnode<T> *lptr = NULL,
                 tnode<T> *rptr = NULL):
                    nodeValue(item), left(lptr), right(rptr)

#endif // TREENODE

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <queue>

#ifndef NULL
#include <cstddef>
#endif // NULL

#include "d_tnode.h" // use tnode class

using namespace std;

// objects hold a formatted label string and the level,column
// coordinates for a shadow tree node
class tnodeShadow
        string nodeValueStr; // formatted node value
        int level,column;
        tnodeShadow *left, *right;

        tnodeShadow ()

// create one of three binary trees with character data.
// the argument n selects from tree 0 - tree 2
tnode<char> *buildTree(int n);

// inorder recursive output of the nodes in a binary tree.
// output separator after each node value. default value
// of separator is " "
template <typename T>
void inorderOutput(tnode<T> *t, const string& separator = " ");

// postorder recursive output of the nodes in a binary tree.
// output separator after each node value. default value
// of separator is " "
template <typename T>
void postorderOutput(tnode<T> *t, const string& separator = " ");

// traverse the tree level by level and output each node in a
// binary tree. output separator after each node value. default value
// of separator is " "
template <typename T>
void levelorderOutput(tnode<T> *t, const string& separator = " ");

// accumulate the number of leaf nodes in count
template <typename T>
void countLeaf(tnode<T> *t, int& count);

// return the depth of the binary tree
template <typename T>
int depth (tnode<T> *t);

// create copy of tree t and return a pointer to the new root
template <typename T>
tnode<T> *copyTree(tnode<T> *t);

// traverse the nodes in the binary tree and delete each node
template <typename T>
void deleteTree(tnode<T> *t);

// delete all tree nodes using deleteTree() and then assign
// t to be NULL
template <typename T>
void clearTree(tnode<T> * & t);

// recursive inorder scan used to build the shadow tree
template <typename T>
tnodeShadow *buildShadowTree(tnode<T> *t, int level, int& column);

// display a binary tree. output of a node value requires
// no more than maxCharacters
template <typename T>
void displayTree(tnode<T> *t, int maxCharacters);

// delete the nodes in the shadow tree
void deleteShadowTree(tnodeShadow *t);

tnode<char> *buildTree(int n)
    // 9 tnode pointers; points to the 9 items in the tree
    tnode<char> *root, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f, *g, *h, *i;

    // parameter n specifies a tree in the range 0 - 2
        // nodes d and e are leaf nodes replace D E B C A
        case 0:
            d = new tnode<char> ('D');
            e = new tnode<char> ('E');
            b = new tnode<char> ('B',(tnode<char> *)NULL, d);
            c = new tnode<char> ('C',e, (tnode<char> *)NULL);
            root = new tnode<char> ('A',b, c);

        // nodes g, h, i, and d are leaf nodes
        case 1:
            g = new tnode<char> ('G');
            h = new tnode<char> ('H');
            i = new tnode<char> ('I');
            d = new tnode<char> ('D');
            e = new tnode<char> ('E',g, (tnode<char> *)NULL);
            f = new tnode<char> ('F',h, i);
            b = new tnode<char> ('B',d, e);
            c = new tnode<char> ('C',(tnode<char> *)NULL, f);
            root = new tnode<char> ('A',b, c);

        // nodes g, h, i and f are leaf nodes
        case 2:
            g = new tnode<char> ('G');
            h = new tnode<char> ('H');
            i = new tnode<char> ('I');
            d = new tnode<char> ('D',(tnode<char> *)NULL, g);
            e = new tnode<char> ('E',h, i);
            f = new tnode<char> ('F');
            b = new tnode<char> ('B',d, (tnode<char> *)NULL);
            c = new tnode<char> ('C',e, f);
            root = new tnode<char> ('A',b, c);


    return root;

template <typename T>
void inorderOutput(tnode<T> *t, const string& separator)
   // the recursive scan terminates on a empty subtree
   if (t != NULL)
      inorderOutput(t->left, separator); // descend left
      cout << t->nodeValue << separator; // output the node
      inorderOutput(t->right, separator); // descend right

template <typename T>
void postorderOutput(tnode<T> *t, const string& separator)
   // the recursive scan terminates on a empty subtree
   if (t != NULL)
      postorderOutput(t->left, separator); // descend left
      postorderOutput(t->right, separator); // descend right
      cout << t->nodeValue << separator; // output the node

template <typename T>
void levelorderOutput(tnode<T> *t, const string& separator)
   // store siblings of each node in a queue so that they are
   // visited in order at the next level of the tree
   queue<tnode<T> *> q;
   tnode<T> *p;

   // initialize the queue by inserting the root in the queue

   // continue the iterative process until the queue is empty
      // delete front node from queue and output the node value
      p = q.front();
      cout << p->nodeValue << separator;

        // if a left child exists, insert it in the queue
      if(p->left != NULL)
      // if a right child exists, insert next to its sibling
      if(p->right != NULL)

// assume that count initialized to 0
template <typename T>
void countLeaf (tnode<T> *t, int& count)
   if (t != NULL)
      // check if t is a leaf node (no children).
      // if so, increment count
      if (t->left == NULL && t->right == NULL)

        countLeaf(t->left, count); // descend left
        countLeaf(t->right, count); // descend right

// determine the depth of the tree using a postorder scan
template <typename T>
int depth (tnode<T> *t)
   int depthLeft, depthRight, depthval;

   if (t == NULL)
        // depth of an empty tree is -1
      depthval = -1;
        // find the depth of the left subtree of t
        depthLeft= depth(t->left);
        // find the depth of the right subtree of t
        depthRight= depth(t->right);
        // depth of the tree with root t is 1 + maximum
        // of the depths of the two subtrees
        depthval = 1 +
            (depthLeft > depthRight ? depthLeft : depthRight);

    return depthval;

template <typename T>
tnode<T> *copyTree(tnode<T> *t)
   // newNode points at a new node that the algorithm
    // creates. newLptr. and newRptr point to the subtrees
    // of newNode
   tnode<T> *newLeft, *newRight, *newNode;

   // stop the recursive scan when we arrive at empty tree
   if (t == NULL)
      return NULL;

   // build the new tree from the bottom up by building the two
   // subtrees and then building the parent. at node t, make
    // a copy of the left subtree and assign its root node pointer
    // to newLeft. make a copy of the right subtree and assign its
    // root node pointer to newRight
    newLeft = copyTree(t->left);
    newRight = copyTree(t->right);

   // create a new node whose value is the same as the value in t
    // and whose children are the copied subtrees
   newNode = new tnode<T> (t->nodeValue, newLeft, newRight);

   // return a pointer to the root of the newly copied tree
   return newNode;

template <typename T>
void deleteTree(tnode<T> *t)
    // postorder scan. delete left and right
    // subtrees of t and then node t
   if (t != NULL)
      delete t;

template <typename T>
void clearTree(tnode<T> * & t)
    t = NULL;

template <typename T>
tnodeShadow *buildShadowTree(tnode<T> *t, int level, int& column)
    // pointer to new shadow tree node
    tnodeShadow *newNode = NULL;
    // ostr used to perform format conversion
    ostringstream ostr;

    if (t != NULL)
        // create the new shadow tree node
        newNode = new tnodeShadow;

        // allocate node for left child at next level in tree; attach node
        tnodeShadow *newLeft = buildShadowTree(t->left, level+1, column);
        newNode->left = newLeft;

        // initialize data members of the new node
        ostr << t->nodeValue << ends; // format conversion
        newNode->nodeValueStr = ostr.str();
        newNode->level = level;
        newNode->column = column;

        // update column to next cell in the table

        // allocate node for right child at next level in tree; attach node
        tnodeShadow *newRight = buildShadowTree(t->right, level+1, column);
        newNode->right = newRight;

    return newNode;

template <typename T>
void displayTree(tnode<T> *t, int maxCharacters)
    string label;
    int level = 0, column = 0;
    int colWidth = maxCharacters + 1;
    int currLevel = 0, currCol = 0;

    if (t == NULL)

    // build the shadow tree
    tnodeShadow *shadowRoot = buildShadowTree(t, level, column);

    // use during the level order scan of the shadow tree
    tnodeShadow *currNode;

   // store siblings of each tnodeShadow object in a queue so that
    // they are visited in order at the next level of the tree
   queue<tnodeShadow *> q;

   // insert the root in the queue and set current level to 0

   // continue the iterative process until the queue is empty
      // delete front node from queue and make it the current node
      currNode = q.front();

        // if level changes, output a newline
        if (currNode->level > currLevel)
            currLevel = currNode->level;
            currCol = 0;
            cout << endl;

        // if a left child exists, insert the child in the queue
      if(currNode->left != NULL)

        // if a right child exists, insert the child in the queue
      if(currNode->right != NULL)

        // output formatted node label
        if (currNode->column > currCol)
            cout << setw((currNode->column-currCol)*colWidth) << " ";
            currCol = currNode->column;
        cout << setw(colWidth) << currNode->nodeValueStr;
    cout << endl;

    // delete the shadow tree

void deleteShadowTree(tnodeShadow *t)
    // if current root node is not NULL, delete its left subtree,
    // its right subtree and then the node itself
    if (t != NULL)
        delete t;


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