Re: problem with C++ sort algorithm

14 Aug 2006 17:32:02 -0400
This strange problem is now solved, thanks to a programming illiterate
(but very sharp OR guy) at work. I guess showing you guys my compare
method would have helped you point it out too:

bool compareByCloseAndAlloc( State* s1, State* s2 )
   int retVal = s2->getPDClose() - s1->getPDClose();
   if ( retVal != 0 ) return retVal < 0;
   return s1->getAllocation() - s2->getAllocation();

Well, this guy asked me why i'm returning a boolean (retVal < 0) on
line 2, but an integer on line 3. I said, well, C++ really uses ints as
bool, and that i could change the code to

bool compareByCloseAndAlloc( State* s1, State* s2 )
   int retVal = s2->getPDClose() - s1->getPDClose();
   if ( retVal != 0 ) return retVal < 0;
   retVal = s1->getAllocation() - s2->getAllocation();
   return retVal < 0;
but it wouldn't make a shred of a difference. And it did. It fixed the
I still honestly believe i did no wrong (i thought in C++, 0 was false,
every other number in the universe means true). before we close this
inane topic, maybe someone could clarify?

Thanks again for all your help.

Ron Natalie wrote:

nthali wrote:

Now none of the objects in my vector are NULL, so i don't know how it
could possibly get a NULL obj2 in the compare method?

Are you sure? Are you sure you don't "resize" or otherwise
introduce default contstucted elements into the vector?

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