Problems with c++ templates

"Mr B" <>
21 Oct 2006 16:51:52 -0400
Hi all,

I'm currently studying templates in C++ and i'm really puzzled by why
the compiler doesn't like my code!!! I think I understand the concept.
I have created a Stack class which has a pointer to a Node class. The
Node class stores a value and a pointer to the previously added node.
My code is below:

template <typename T>
class Node
   friend class MyStack;

         Node *PreviousNode;
         T NodeVal;

         Node(T InitVal);
         T GetVal() { return NodeVal; }

template <typename T>
Node<T>::Node(T InitVal)
   NodeVal = InitVal;
template <typename DT>
class MyStack
         Node<DT> *TopNode;
         int MaximumNodes;
         int NumNodes;

         MyStack(int Size);
         void Push(DT Val);
         DT Pop();
MyStack::MyStack(int Size)
   MaximumNodes = Size;
   TopNode = NULL;
   while(NumNodes > 0)

template <typename DT>
void MyStack<DT>::Push(DT Val)
   Node *NewNode;

   if (NumNodes < MaximumNodes)
     NewNode = new Node(Val);

     NewNode->PreviousNode = TopNode;
     TopNode = NewNode;

   else { throw "Stack Overflow error"; }
template <typename DT>
DT MyStack<DT>::Pop()
   Node *Popped;
   DT PopVal;

   if(NumNodes >= 1)
     Popped = TopNode;
     TopNode = TopNode->PreviousNode;

     delete Popped;

     return PopVal;
   else { throw "Stack Underflow error"; }

void main()
     MyStack <int>*NewStack = new MyStack<int>(5);
     cout << NewStack->Pop() << "\n";
     cout << NewStack->Pop() << "\n";
     cout << NewStack->Pop() << "\n";
     cout << NewStack->Pop() << "\n";
     cout << NewStack->Pop() << "\n";

   catch (char *Str)

   delete NewStack;


Amongst errors I get a 'Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'MyStack''
Could somebody please tell me where i'm going wrong!!



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      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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