Pointer to an overloaded method, error: "unresolved overloaded function type"
Error: unresolved overloaded function type
g++ source.cpp
04_overloaded_unresolv.cpp: In member function `void wrapper_c::method1
04_overloaded_unresolv.cpp:75: error: no matching function for call to
`wrapper_c::executeDirectly(<unresolved overloaded function type>,
std::string&, std::string&)'
This happens, if the method is overloaded.
Do you know how this could be solved? (How to make it work with
overloaded methods.)
g++ -v 3.4.5
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
// Pointers to methods.
// www.codeproject.com/cpp/FastDelegate.asp
class target_c
string* targetMethod(string& p1, string& p2)
{ return new string("stringString");
// If this is taken in use, then the error message pops up in
compilation "unresolved overloaded function type"
//string* targetMethod(const string& p1, const int& p2)
//{ return new string("stringInt"); }
template <class CHILD>
class common_c
template <class RETURN_CLASS, class T1, class P1, class P2>
RETURN_CLASS executeDirectly(RETURN_CLASS (T1::*my_memfunc_ptr)(P1&,
P1& param1,
P2& param2)
return new string("test");
// ((static_cast<CHILD*>(this))->getPointer())
// ->*my_memfunc_ptr
// )
// (param1, param2);
//return (static_cast<CHILD*>(this)->*my_memfunc_ptr)(param1,
catch (int& e)
string ex;
ex = e;
throw ex;
class wrapper_c : public common_c<wrapper_c> {
target_c* target_;
target_c* getTarget() {return target_;}
wrapper_c ()
{ target_ = new target_c();}
void method1 ()
string arg1("");
string arg2("");
string* returnVal;
// This line gives the error message during compilation:
returnVal = executeDirectly<string*>(&target_c::targetMethod, arg1,
std::cout << *returnVal << std::endl;
int main()
cout << "in MAIN, start" << endl;
// This works ok:
string* (target_c::*my_memfunc_ptr)(string&, string&);
my_memfunc_ptr = &target_c::targetMethod;
string a1("a1"), a2("a2");
string* ret;
target_c target;
ret = (target.*my_memfunc_ptr)(a1,a2);
cout << "called" << endl;
cout << *ret << endl;
// But this do not work::
wrapper_c wrapper;
[ See http://www.gotw.ca/resources/clcm.htm for info about ]
[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]