Re: Problem with VB -> C++ interface pointer

"spforeman" <>
27 Nov 2006 07:58:54 -0800

Thanks for the reply but I'm afraid I still don't see why it doesn't
work. I understand what you are saying about the cast and totally
agree that if they were completely separate objects then pSpot would be
garbage. But (and this is where I might have things muddled) they are
not sepeare objects...are they? Doesn't CSpot derive from ISpot via

I'm very new to COM so maybe it isn't as simple as I think. I see it
like this:
class ClassA : public ClassB
  void foo();

ClassB* myClass = new ClassA();

void Bar (ClassB* pMyClass)
  ClassA* pClassA = reinterpret_cast<ClassA*>(pMyClass);

This should work fine (not the best code, but it would work). My
understanding is that I am doing this in COM (maybe the QueryInterface
should be replaced with a dynamic_cast) - so maybe there is something
COM related that I am not understanding that stops it from being a
valid thing to do?

What I am ultimately trying to achieve here is that I want to call a
function of CSpot from within the C code. I thought I could retrieve
the CSpot* from the ISpot* so that I could do this.

I hope that all makes sense!

Thanks for any help.


Igor Tandetnik wrote:

"spforeman" <> wrote in message

STDMETHODIMP CFoo::ProcessSpot(ISpot *pAnalysisSpot)
 CComObject<CSpot> *pSpot = 0;
 hr = pAnalysisSpot->QueryInterface(IID_ISpot, (void **)&pSpot)

What exactly is that supposed to achieve? You query for IID_ISpot, you
get back ISpot* pointer, not CComObject<CSpot>. The net effect of this
call is the same as a simple cast:

CComObject<CSpot> *pSpot =
    reinterpret_cast<CComObject<CSpot> *>(pAnalysisSpot);

Do you see now why it won't work?

When I trace through the code I can step into the code where VB sets x
and y to be -1, but when ProcessSpot is stepped into and
QueryInterface is called pSpot has garbage in the x and y values.

pSpot pointer itself is garbage.
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925

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