Re: STL / iterator / map - I dont get it

red floyd <no.spam@here.dude>
Thu, 22 Feb 2007 18:35:51 GMT
cppquest wrote:

Hi all,

I am doing something terrible wrong, but I dont understand why!
Maybe I am sitting too long in front of this box!
This is a breakdown of some code:

#include <map>

class MyMap : public std::map< double* , int > { };

MyMap test;

void findMyDouble(double* d)
    MyMap::iterator iter;
    for( iter = test.begin(); iter != test.end(); ++iter)
        if(*iter->first == 2.0)
            //assign t2 to d
            d = iter->first;
            // d == t2
            // *d == 2.0
            // okay until here

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    double* t1 = new double(1.0);
    double* t2 = new double(2.0);
    double* t3 = new double(3.0);


    double* search;

    //search should be:
    //search == t2!
    //*search == 2.0
    //but search is again not defined

    MyMap::reverse_iterator iter;
    for( iter = test.rbegin(); iter != test.rend(); ++iter)
        delete iter->first;

    return 0;

I need to extract some map-key, which is a pointer.
The key is the pointer-itself, but i have to find a specific pointer-
in the local scope of findMyDouble everything is okay, but in main
nothing happens at all.

because search is passed by value. findMyDouble gets a *COPY* of
search. You need to pass by reference, or return the found value.

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