Re: Virtual Constructors

"Carl R. Davies" <>
27 Feb 2007 08:54:48 -0800
On Feb 27, 4:45 pm, "Victor Bazarov" <> wrote:

Carl R. Davies wrote:

Ok, is it because the client code might not know what the derived
class is at time of writing so it's unable to down cast?

1. Framework code declares classes Base and Derived " class Derived :
public Base "
2. So in the client code:

Derived *ptr = new Derived();

Then calls a function that only knows Base:

void func( Base *inPtr )
   // Can't down cast because doesn't know existence of Derived
   // So how does Clone() help here?

Apologies for being persistent, I would like to know so I can
recognise the need for "Prototype Pattern" in the future.

class clonable {
    virtual clonable* clone() const = 0;


class Base : public clonable {
    Base* clone() const { return new Base(*this); }


class Derived : public Base {
    Derived* clone() const { return new Derived(*this); }


void func(Base *inPtr)
     Base *newOne = inPtr->clone();


Thanks Victor, I now understand what it does and importantly "Why?".
Cheers everyone.

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