Re: I'm Shocked

"Bas" <>
Sat, 3 Mar 2007 12:32:26 +0100
thanks for the answer.

Both run on the same machine, Windows XP, Microsoft compilers. I've chosen
for speed optimization in both cases. I know its difficult to compare, but
the difference is significant.
I found an answer, but still..It seems that the .NET runtime environment has
a better heap management. The garbage collector keeps much better track of
free space. (I read that in Professional C# 2005). Still the difference
surprises me a lot. I can imagine it's true for a program that creates and
destroys at random a lot of instances, but in my examples the heap of both
programs should be fresh and clean, I think, at the beginning. It has just
to add a lot of instances, nothing more.

"Alf P. Steinbach" <> schreef in bericht

* Bas:


Until 6 years ago I was a C++ programmer. The last 6 years I've done
something else than computerprogramming, but now I'm a bit back, learning
myself C#.
I cannot resist sometimes to compare these two languages (as far as I
not programming for 6 years is quitte a time),
so I had to try the speed of both: allocate 30,000,000 objects of a
and clocking the time necessary.
Here is the code for C#:

namespace Temp
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
      Test[] tab = new Test[30000000];
      for (long i = 0; i< 30000000; i++) {
        tab[i]=new Test();
      DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now;
      Console.Write("Begin time is {0}:{1}:{2}:{3}\n", t1.Hour,
t1.Second, t1.Millisecond);
      Console.Write("End time is {0}:{1}:{2}:{3}\n", t2.Hour, t2.Minute,
t2.Second, t2.Millisecond);

  class Test{
    private int i;
    private double d;
    private float x;

    public Test(){

and here it is for C++:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>

class Test {
   int i;
   double d;
   float fl;

 Test() {i = 123; d = 3.1415926; fl = 6.28f; }

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 SYSTEMTIME startingtime, endtime;


 Test *ar[30000000];
 for(long int j = 0; j< 30000000; j++)
    ar[j] = new Test;


getchar(); return 0;}

I hope someone will say "YOU MORON..!"and that I've done something
wrong..But the C# program was ready within 11seconds.. the C++ program took
15seconds; so it was SLOWER.How can thisbe!?!?Kind regards,Bas from Holland

Doesn't look much like standard C++ to me.

Anyway, meaningless without knowing machine, OS, compiler, compiler
options etc.

Did you try

    #include <vector>

    class Test
        int i;
        double d;
        float fl;

        Test() {i = 123; d = 3.1415926; fl = 6.28f; }

    int main()
        std::vector<Test> v( 30000000 );


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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