Re: Mem pool question

From: (Roland Pibinger)
Wed, 14 Mar 2007 22:06:07 GMT
On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 15:23:16 -0400, "Jerry Adair" wrote:

I have been playing around with the suggestions and code shown in

regarding memory allocation/deallocation (mem pools). I think I understand
what the FAQ was getting at (emphasis on "think") so I concluded that
attempting to make a delete statement on an area of memory that was created
in a pool with the placement new operator (overloaded) would not allow me to
call an overloaded delete operator with the signature that included the pool
in the parm list, which was shown in the FAQ example. Am I correct? The
sample code is below. I hard-wired the template selector for this example
after creating a pool_alloc template class in an effort to separate the
different types of memory blocks.

// main.cpp
#include <iostream>

class MemoryPool
     void *calloc( unsigned size )
        void *memory = malloc( size );
        if( !memory ) { cout << "Out of memory!\n"; return 0; }
        memset(memory, 0, size);
        return memory;
     void deallocate( void *block )
        free( block );

template <short BLOCK_TYPE = 0>
class pool_alloc
     inline void * operator new( unsigned s, MemoryPool& p )
        { return p.calloc(s);}

// I want to call this delete
     void operator delete( void *mem, MemoryPool& p )
        { if( mem ) p.deallocate( mem );}

class Foo : public pool_alloc<1>
  Foo( MemoryPool& p, unsigned len ) {};
  ~Foo() {};

int fooInt;

int main( void )
Foo *fooP;
MemoryPool p;

fooP = new(p) Foo( p, 3 );

// with this delete statement
//but don't think it's possible or even makes sense
delete fooP;

// it's possible but probably doesn't make sense
pool_alloc<1> ::operator delete (fooP, p);

Best wishes,
Roland Pibinger

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