Re: Call constructor in another

Salt_Peter <>
28 Apr 2007 20:27:27 -0700
On Apr 28, 12:58 am, Blair Craft <> wrote:


I got a class have 2 constructors:

You actually have 3, if you don't declare a copy ctor, the compiler
generates one for you ( thats a hint ).

static int g_idx_counter = 0;

   counter = g_idx_counter++;
   created_at = last_used = time(NULL);
   destroyed = false;
   id = -1;


Use init lists.
// type int is a wild guess, whats type is id?

Object::Object( int n = -1 )
                        : counter(++g_idx_counter),

Object::Object(int _id){
    id = _id;}

The above ctor is not needed, Object() is a local temporary, a
competant compiler would probably optimize it away with no observeable
affect to the result. The above only assigns id.


when I use:

  Object *o = new Object();

Object* p_obj = new Object;

everything is OK, but when using the second constructor:

  Object *o = new Object(32);

member variable "counter" will remain untouched, I did a gdb trace,
Object::Object() was invoked and inside that function "counter" was
initialized, when function returns "counter" went back to 0
again. Behavior is like a local variable inside a code chunk, but here
counter is a class member variable, anyone can shed some light?


What you saw is expected, Why should member counter be modified by a
local Object() in any way?
Next time, please reproduce a basic reconstruction of the Object
class, since the order of its member declarations can affect the
inititialization list. Its also a pain to 'assume' what id might be.

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