Re: Magic Number !!
On May 9, 10:41 pm, "WELCOME ###" <> wrote:
Hello every one.
The following is code built by C++ \ CLI . It's built well :
i don't think so.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace System;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
int magic;
int guess;
Console::Write(L"Enter Your Guess Number : ");
Random^ r = gcnew Random();
Uh, the above statement says:
if you successfully *assign* the literal value 7 to the variable
guess, then process the accompanying block.
Its a *assignment*, not a comparison
if ( 7 == guess ) // ah, not an assignment
I placed the constant on the left side for a reason, at least that way
if you mistakenly write (7 = guess) the compiler will generate an
obvious error since the lhv is a constant.
Let that be a lesson to you.
Console::WriteLine(L" SORRY..");
return 0;
When you compile this code,it compiles well except if & else.If one operates
the other not!!!
thats expected, see above.
Next time, can you please post C++ code?