Re: Class wide object declaration question

anon <>
Tue, 15 May 2007 11:30:43 +0200
Lionel B wrote:

On Tue, 15 May 2007 10:47:52 +0200, anon wrote: wrote:

Whenever I need class wide access to an object, I declare it

What is "class wide access to an object"?


class myClass
  myObject* obj; // declared dynamically ...

Then I usually create an instance of the object within the constructor:

  string str = "whatever";
  obj = new myObj(str); // parameter passed to obj ...

Doing this, I am able to access myObj::obj anywhere from within my

What is myObj?

class. Is it possible to declare obj as a static member variable? If
so, I have not been able to figure out how to do it.

I do not see why not. You can do it like this: class myClass
    static myObject obj;

myObject myClass::obj(arguments to myObject constructor);

Couple of points: I agree it is not clear what the OP is trying to
achieve, but (1) why make obj public, since the OP only seems to require
"class wide access" (which I take as meaning access for class member/
static functions)? and (2) in the OP's code obj was a *pointer* to a
myObject ... not sure why, but maybe there is a valid reason (which he
hasn't told us).

Salt_Peter gave much better response then both of us did ;)

Anyway, that was just a simple example, therefore you can put it to
private, make it a pointer, reference or whatever you like.

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