Re: static_pointer_cast not declared in this scope
* Tim H:
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
class pp_dirent {};
class pp_scope: public pp_dirent {};
int main() {
boost::shared_ptr<pp_dirent> p1(new pp_scope());
boost::shared_ptr<pp_scope> p2 =
return 0;
g++ test.cpp -o test
test.cpp: In function int main():
You have an error in function 'main'.
test.cpp:8: error: static_pointer_cast was not declared in this scope
It was that 'static_pointer' was not used but haven't been declared.
Perhaps you meant something like 'boost::static_pointer_cast'.
test.cpp:8: error: expected primary-expression before > token
And at the point of detecting that, the compiler had parsed your code as
far as the latest '>' token on line 8, where it expected a primary
expression, not some undeclared name.
What what?
Just read the compiler's diagnostic messages.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
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