Re: Problem with list

Salt_Peter <>
24 May 2007 00:31:28 -0700
On May 23, 6:34 pm, Gaijinco <> wrote:

I'm doing a template class to make an ordered list.

I created a class Person to make an agenda.

When I create a new person, there's no problem but when I try to add
it to the list it throws a lot of errors.

Can someboy help me! Thanks!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template <typename T>
class List
   class Node
      T data;
      Node* next;
             Node(T data)
                this->data = data;
                next = (Node*)NULL;
             T getData() const
                return data;
             Node* getNext() const
                return next;
             void setData(T data)
                this->data = data;
             void setNext(Node* next)
                this->next = next;

   Node* head;
   size_t nodes;

             head = (Node*)NULL;
             nodes = 0;

          void insert(T data)
             Node* p = new Node(data);

                    head = p;
                else if(head->data > data)
                   bool done=false;
                   Node* q = head;

                   while(head!=(Node*)NULL && !done)
                      if(head->getNext()->getData() < data)
                         done = true;
                         head = head->getNext();

          size_t size() const
              return nodes;


class Person
   std::string name;
   std::string lastname;
   std::string telephone;
          Person(std::string n, std::string l, std::string
          std::string getName() const { return name; }
          std::string getLastname() const { return lastname; }
          std::string getTelephone() const { return telephone; }
          void setName(std::string name) { this->name = name;
return; }
          void setLastname(std::string name) { this->lastname =
lastname; return; }
          void setTelephone(std::string name) { this->telephone =
telephone; return; }
          friend bool operator<(Person,Person);
          friend bool operator>(Person,Person);


bool operator<(Person a, Person b)
   return a.lastname < b.lastname;


bool operator>(Person a, Person b)
   return a.lastname > b.lastname;


int main()
   List<Person> agenda;

   Person p("John","Doe","555-123456");


   return 0;


The List's embedded Node class doesn't need encapsulation (since the
List itself encapsulates Node). Why don't you just make Node a struct
with perhaps just a ctor?
When passing parameters, these should always be by const reference
unless there is a reason to do otherwise (const ref should be the
default). Otherwise you'll be passing via expensive copy ctors.

void insert(const T& data) { ... }

I'ld suggest designing an unordered list first.

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