Re: Deriving from STL containers

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Thu, 31 May 2007 10:56:08 -0400
Adrian wrote:

Lint (rightly I believe) complains that deque's destructor is not
virtual. So will the following code cause any problems?


If I do not derive from Container does that stop problems?

What problems?

Do I manually have to call deque's destructor from Containers to make

Absolutely not.


#include <stdexcept>
#include <deque>

class SomeClass


typedef std::deque<SomeClass *> list_t;
class Container : private list_t
   Container() {};
   using list_t::pop_front;

It is possible that you're going to leak memory if you allow
pop_front without deleting the element.

   using list_t::front;
   using list_t::empty;
   using list_t::size;
   void clear()
     for(const_iterator i=begin(); i!=end(); ++i)
       delete (*i);
   void push_back(SomeClass * const obj)
       throw std::runtime_error("much to big");

   Container(const Container &);
   Container &operator=(const Container &);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

If you don't use 'argc' and 'argv', don't declare them.

 Container container;

 for(int i=0; i<9; ++i)
   container.push_back(new SomeClass());

 return 0;

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